After years of carefully perfecting my craft, I have modelled Retreat Hair to incorporate a full and intentional consultation with every guest at each appointment. This ensures a clear understanding of the best direction to take in terms of styling and guidance as to how this can be achieved.
The success has been such that I have developed and designed a method to allow me to offer this same service to everyone, no matter where in the world you are!
Imagine having access to a specialised professional hair stylist for a detailed consultation without leaving your home.
Imagine being able to have this consultation in your hands, for use as a tool with any stylist at any hair salon you choose.
Imagine having the client-hairdresser communication barrier removed because you finally understand not only what you want but you are armed with all you need for an anxiety-free salon visit. The hairdresser will clearly comprehend what your desired outcome is and you can relax and enjoy some well-deserved time-out; all the hard work is done!
Over the past 3 years I have had women from all corners of the globe reach out to me with a problem they are having with their hair. This could be anything from:
- Seeking advice with how to begin the process to transition away from tinting and start embracing their white hair
- Wanting to know how to stop the frizzy hair and have their style last longer than one hour after a blow wave?
- How to chose a hairstyle that works with their face, profile, styling ability, and lifestyle
- How to manage curly hair?
- What are the best products for their hair when everything they have tried so far is not working?
- Why the behaviours of the hair have changed and is now so different from what it used to be
- How to know what style will work well and is compatible with the hair we are now dealing with
Honestly the list goes on and on. I started out assisting these women by sending them well thought-out and specific questions so I could carefully break down what it was that was truly going to help. Up until recently my consultation technique has only been offered in face-to-face form within the salon, meaning it was only available for those living in my hometown of Melbourne. But sometimes it is not possible to come in, or it would be nice to have my recommendations written down for you to refer back to, or take along to appointments with other hairdressers.
The art of communication is the very core value of what has made me the stylist and businesswoman I am today. For me to know how to help, guide or improve on a style, I need to understand the person. Knowing the right questions to ask to attain the information I need so that I can perform the best for you is what makes the difference.
I have a holistic approach and know how to listen and talk very well, but this is also backed up with a real understanding of hairdressing psychology. Early in my career, I would hear my guests say (when comparing my approach to consultations they’d had with other hairdressers) that they wish more hairdressers would ask the sorts of questions I was. They were used to receiving a standard “ what are we doing today” kind of question, before hair was being washed or a colour seemed to have started.
Guests shouldn't be expected to go into a salon knowing the exact cut and colour they need, there is a big gap between the hairdresser's creative talent and the information he/she requires to start the amazing styling. But with my online consultations, this gap is set to get a whole lot smaller!
There are three consultations from which to choose, or you can pick all of them, depending on what you want help with. They do complement each other, but for some of you, just one is required for now. You will be armed with advice on hair colour, cut, styling, products and salons, helping you out both at home and with your stylist. You have never had a consultation that helps fine tune your needs like this before!
Click here to find a detailed breakdown of each consultation and what you can expect to gain from each of them. I look forward to guiding you towards an empowering style!